Thanks to everyone who was able to attend our monthly meeting today! Here are some brief highlights:
Voyages Conference Updates:
- We're counting down to the conference! The intellectual fun takes place Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 9-4:30 in the East Conference Center, USU. Official conference website coming soon!
- A huge thank you to all who attended, volunteered at, and supported our various fundraisers last semester. We raised a great amount of money that will help in paying for our conference needs, such as our food (Baja Fresh, anyone?)
- Upcoming fundraisers: towards the end of February, we will be holding a food/drinks fundraiser at Chili's (specific date TBD) and one last book sale for the school year. If you're interested in helping at the book sale, please sign up by adding your name during the time slot(s) on the Google Doc.
- AGSE merch: we will be offering AGSE swag -- tote bags and buttons -- featuring the AGSE and Voyages logos. More info to come!
New to the world of conferences and conference presenting? Join us for our annual "How to Present at a Conference" workshop on Wednesday, March 4 from 12:30-1:45 (we'll be merging our monthly meeting with this workshop). The workshop will feature guest speaker Dr. Iswari Pandey, who will talk to us about the do's and don'ts of presenting at conferences, just in time for our Voyages conference!
Nominations for next year's AGSE board will be coming soon. Think about nominating someone or being nominated yourself. It looks great on your CV and gives you excellent experience working with a committee and planning graduate events.
Announcements from our friends in Critical Theory Club and Sigma Tau Delta: CTC will be hosting a post-humanism talk tomorrow, led by Jordan Guevara; STD will be having a food fundraiser at CPK on Wednesday, February 11, and they are still looking for fantastic abstracts for their upcoming conference -- why not boost your CV even more and submit your Voyages abstract to their April conference on Multi-Discursions!
Thanks again to all of our meeting attendees and AGSE members and supporters -- we're looking forward to a fantastic spring semester with you all!
Thanks again to all of our meeting attendees and AGSE members and supporters -- we're looking forward to a fantastic spring semester with you all!