Meet your 2012-2013 Officers!
Lorie Hamalian - President |
Megan Betry - Vice President |
Gina Lawrence - Treasurer |
Holly Batty - Press Officer |
Johnny Straight - Historian |
Meetings: This semester AGSE will have its monthly meeting the last Wednesday of the month at 2:30 - 3:30 (unless otherwise posted). The rooms are subject to change, so make sure you keep up to date by following the messages sent to the grad student listserv or by following us on Facebook.
Spring Conference: Save the date! Saturday, March 9, 2013, is AGSE's annual spring conference. This year's theme will be Innocence and Experience with keynote speaker Dr. James Kincaid! Stay tuned for more information after the big reveal of our official CFP on Halloween.
Fundraising: We are always looking for new fundrasing ideas for our spring conference. Bowling, restaurants, book sales - if you have any ideas that put the FUN in fundraising, let us know!
Of course, one of the main ways we do this is through membership! If you have any friends who are not yet members of our fantastic organization, feel free to remind them that it's only $10.00 for a lifetime membership. AGSE looks great on resumes and offers fantastic opportunities to join helpful workshops, make some extra cash as an AGSE tutor, and make friends and eat delicious cupcakes at our monthly meetings.
If you haven't already gotten your Official AGSE T-shirt, let us know! There are still plenty of sizes available and all shirts are only $20.00.
October Meeting
to be announced - watch your emails!