President: Lorie Hamalian
Lorie Hamalian earned her B.A. in English and is currently working on her M.A. in English: Literature at California State University of Northridge. Her research interests include British Romanticism and critical theory, sprinkled with pop cultural and game studies. She currently works as a supplemental instructor, writing tutor, and future teaching associate at CSUN, and additionally works as a clerk at the public library. Often referred to as a “woman-child,” Lorie enjoys reading children’s and adolescent literature, hiking, playing video games, and watching films, animated shows, and situational comedies. If elected as President of AGSE, Lorie promises to maintain AGSE’s legacy of professionalism and collaborative awesomeness as the program continues to grow and flourish. But, unfortunately, she can’t make someone fall in love with you.
Vice President: Megan Betry
Megan Betry graduated from UCLA with a B.A. in American Literature in 2009. On a whim, she chose to pursue a teaching credential from Cal State Bakersfield, and luckily, developed a love for children and the teaching profession. She is currently in her second semester in the CSUN English grad program and upon graduation, plans to find a teaching job and spend the rest of her life teaching third graders about free-floating signifiers, post-colonialism, and how to return to the Imaginary.
Recording Secretary: Melissa Palazzo
I've been a graduate student in the Literature concentration at CSUN as well as a member of AGSE for three semesters, but my family jokes that I was born an English major. I completed my undergrad at UCLA and found the experience of commuting to and attending a university of that size to be rather alienating. In AGSE, I have found friends, community, and delicious cupcakes. As Recording Secretary, I'd like to continue the traditions and sense of camaraderie that the organization has given to me, and return that back to my fellow students. I'd like to see us grow even further than the current fantastic leadership has led us, both as a support system and as a resource to better all of our experiences at CSUN.
Treasurer: Gina Lawrence
I am an English Rhetoric and Composition MA student, SI leader, and TA
candidate. My academic interests include popular culture theory,
zombie literary theory, creative writing, poetry, creative
non-fiction, creative rhetorical applications, classical rhetoric,
rhetoric of science, and post modern composition studies.
My personal interests include yoga, running, coffee, fashion, zombie
movies/television shows/books, and walking my love of my life, Fonzie.
Press Secretary: Holly Batty and Rolando Rubalcava
Holly Batty is in her second semester at CSUN focusing on Rhetoric and Composition. She worked on her undergraduate degree both at UCLA and at LA Valley College; at the latter she has been the Coordinator of the Writing Center since 2007. Holly is the happy owner of her dog, Buffy.
Historian: Johnny Straight
I am an English Rhetoric and Composition Masters student, SI leader, and Historian of AGSE. My academic interests are visual literacy, pedagogy, modernism, psychoanalysis, post-colonial studies, and composition. I am the proud pet poppy of Mozart and Sparky, which are my cat and my dog, appearing to be fraternal twins due to their identical coats.